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Nutrex Vitargo CGL Reviews

Index > Nutrex > Vitargo CGL Creatine Reviews

Vitargo-CGLTM acts like a pump, pulling creatine and water along with it into the bloodstream, thus synchronizing creatine and insulin levels for maximum creatine transport to the muscles. This avoids a premature insulin spike as seen in creatine/dextrose formulas, where dextrose is absorbed faster than creatine. More creatine can now be transported to the muscles resulting in significantly better muscle and strength gains as compared to non-Vitargo creatine formulas.

nutrex vitargo cgl creatine



Nutrex Vitargo CGL User Reviews
Avg. Customer Review (4.5 Stars):
Number of Reviews: 16

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This stuff sucks December 02, 2008
Reviewer: Whoody Whoo from Pilgrim

Took this stuff for a cycle, didn't gain any strength or mass. Tastes horribly and doesn't mix well at all.

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Is there a new formulation? July 19, 2008
Reviewer: David Martin from Denver, CO USA

Wondering if anyone else has noticed a dramatic difference in the formulation of Vitargo over the last year or so. The original grainy powder and gel-like consistency when mixed with water have given way to an ultra-fine powder that's messy as hell but mixes much faster and is no longer gel-like in any way. The label used to say "shake for 60 seconds"; it now says 30 seconds, which is some indication that they've made a change, but other than that, I can't find any information about the new formulation. Besides it being really messy -- it's as fine as baby powder and it drifts all over when you drop it into the shaker -- the drink now has a chalky consistency. It takes some getting used to. I really liked the original product but I'm having a hard time warming up to this new formula. Did I just get a bad lot or is everyone else experiencing the same thing? I purchased this batch in late 2007.

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it works :D June 16, 2008
Reviewer: Anthony Reyes from Antioch, CA

I have just turned 16 and have been working out for almost a year i never tried supplements but i started taking it about a week ago (along with N.O. Xplode) and my reps in bench went up from 185 to 225. i'm 5'6 and before i started taking it i weighed 149 now i weigh 154. I Only take one scoop instead of the recommended 2 cuz im younger.

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You have to try it to believe it! October 24, 2007
Reviewer: Jerry from NJ

I am in finishing my second consecutive container of Vitargo CGL now. In eight weeks my bench went from a 5 rep set of 265 to a 5 rep set of 315. My squat went from a 5 rep set of 405 to a 5 rep set of 455. I noticed a difference in muscle pump in 3 days from starting to use Vitargo CGl especially after a workout where you would normally feel flat. I did not experience any stomach discomfort or bloating. The orange mixes easily by shaking it in a container. I recommend waiting 30-40 minutes after taking before eating or taking a protein shake. My waist remained the same size while gaining 10-12 lbs. bodyweight.

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awesome stuff! May 08, 2007
Reviewer: Lynn from Pittsburgh, PA

I'm a female, 5'8" and only 116 lbs. I used vitargo last summer and gained 5 lbs of muscle tone in no time! Then gnc stopped selling it so i have to get it online. But that's ok because it's worth it. here's a tip... I mix it with lukewarm water in a blender. Sounds gross but it mixes much better with absolutely no clumping!

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Strength and a great pump April 14, 2007
Reviewer: Drew from Florida

I was turned on to CGL by a pro body builder and they said I would notice a difference the first time I used it, I was skeptical. (not sure if I spelled that right). Any ways I was told to take it 15-20 minutes before my workout instead of after. The first day I tried it I had a HUGE jump in energy and strength and the best pump I've had in a LONG time! I was completely sold!!!

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The hell with muscle tech April 10, 2007
Reviewer: Big Native from Az, Usa

I'm 16 year old lifting since I was 13 the first creatine I tryed was muscle tech that sh*t sucked. I was looking through a magazine and I found Vitagro I thought I give it a try so I did damn I gave my muscle what I needed I had a huge strenght gains from a bench max of 260 before vitagro now after 305 they should name it VITAGROW I love this stuff.

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good gains November 22, 2006
Reviewer: Mutt the Marine from Africa

I've been working out for 6 years now and I have never been a big fan of Creatine, but this has given me pretty good gains. I cant tell a difference in strength, but I can tell a difference size definitly. The taste is next to horrible, but with the gains its worth it.

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This is Great Stuff June 04, 2006
Reviewer: Robert from Seabrook, TX

I am a Freshman Class of '09 at Clear Lake HS, and got on this over the offseason. I only took one scoop instead of the recomended two per usage, because i am younger, and less developed than usual users. I went from 130 to 145 in bodyweight about 2 months or so. It also increased my strength from 165 on bench to 210, on squats i went from 245 to 350. It offers huge gains, and faster muscle recovery, provided you have a good workout plan. I usually fill a water bottle about 4/5ths full with water then add the scoop of creatine. It shouldnt clump as long as you shake it for about a minute immediately after you mix it.

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IM 17 WITH GREAT STRENGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! February 12, 2006
Reviewer: DANIEL, CALIFORNIA from Barstow , Ca USA

When I started taking VITARGO I was in a slump with my bench press, I couldn't max any thing over 260, but in about a two months I shot up to 290. I recently ran out of Vitargo and I have great energy spikes even without taking it,( I MUST BUY MORE) I love it... And the fruit punch tastes great.

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Miracle Creatine February 05, 2006
Reviewer: Girly from Chicago

I'm a female and I've been taking Vitargo for about 3 weeks now and the results are amazing. My body fat has dropped and my muscle has increased especially in my legs. I don't know about these other dummies, but if you listen to the directions correctly you should have no clumping. I've had no problem with it.

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Pretty good, good results October 23, 2005
Reviewer: Carmine from Boston, MA

I have cycled on-and-off of this product one month at a time. I have made some pretty good gains for myself with it. My only word of advice is to use a blender instead of a shaker - it mixes much better, and will not clump.

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Awesome Creatine! April 11, 2005
Reviewer: Terence Silo from Lakewood, CA

I started taking Vitargo CGL almost a month ago and I started noticing great gains after 3 days. My weight jumped from 180 to 186 in as little as 2 weeks taking it. I experienced fullness in my muscles all over and they feel tight. I would definitely recommend this product to someone who wants to get massive.

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Vitargo - Good Stuff April 01, 2005
Reviewer: Kish from Forty Fort PA

I've been taking it for about 8 months. I switched from Cell Tech (75g sugar) It has definitely added strength and size. I'm 38 and trying to get back into the heavy weights...bench from 300 when I started back to 350 over 8 months...body weight from 185 to 195. Only taking it with protein so something is working ...try it but do yourself a huge favor use a battery operated mixer because it does not mix well...

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It's Ok February 07, 2005
Reviewer: Steve from CO

This product really works. My muscles felt fuller only after a week. The only down side is that the orange flavor doesn't taste all that good. Also, clumping is a concern.

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From cell tech to vitargo January 09, 2005
Reviewer: John Mott from Maryland, USA

I was taking cell tech previously and was getting good gains from it. I just recently switched to Vitargo and have gotten more of a drive to workout and better gains. Ive only been on it for 2 weeks and love it already.

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